A Simple mission. an Extraordinary savior.

We don't have an overly complicated mission at Mount Pleasant but we do strive to honor, with our work, an extraordinary Savior. Jesus is what drives our mission to be:

Christ-Centered: Jesus is the fulfillment of all the Old Testament promises and the central figure of the Christian faith. Therefore, we are in agreement with the author of Hebrews in "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith" in all that we do.

Truth-Driven: In a world which sees truth as relative to one's own interpretation, we recognize that there is an absolute truth and it's only found in a biblical interpretation of the Scriptures. Therefore, our pursuit to teach and model truth is found in sound doctrine.

Genuine Community: Coming to faith in Jesus Christ is an individual experience but faith was never meant to be lived outside of the Christian community. Therefore, we are take serious the charge of doing life together. We exist to take our worship outside the walls of the church building.

A MultI-generational mission

Our aim isn't to reach one particular age group, social demographic, or ethnicity. We firmly believe that the church is most beautiful and representative of our extraordinary Savior when it includes people from all walks of life.