A Back-to-School Prayer

by Jared Hardin

July 31, 2023

Father of Mercy,

You are a kind and gracious God who gives good gifts to your children. We lift up to you the children of our community as they head back to school this week.

We pray for their learning;

   that they would come to understand the world you have created better as they grow and are taught everything from math to art, from science to English, from history to physical education. 

    Lord, you created all of these subjects, and all of these point to You and glorify You.  

We pray for their protection;

   that you would keep them from harm, both physically and spiritually. May no virus hinder their learning. May no evil person threaten their safety. May no wicked influence draw them toward sin.

We pray for their teachers, and other faculty and staff;

   that you would give them wisdom and patience as they instruct our children and facilitate their learning. May what they teach be clearly explained and eagerly received. Help them to discipline with proper firmness and grace.

We pray for their souls;

   that you would reach down and save lost souls in our schools. May the Christian children be a bright light to those around them, explaining the Gospel, living holy lives, and inviting their friends to church.

We pray these things, O Lord, because we know you are a kind God who answers us when we call on you. Hear us we pray, not because of our own goodness, but on the merits of your Son, Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for our sake.

In His name we pray,
